The Ancestor Hunt regularly adds and updates new collection links, as well as searches for and fixes broken links.
(This page's most recent update is July 2024)
South Dakota is one of the states that does not have a single central online state repository for searching historical newspapers, and they do use the Library of Congress Chronicling America site as their main site for searching old newspapers. There are several free online newspapers on other sites and collections available on subscription sites. Below is a list of where the titles are stored and the link so that you can access them.
There are almost 1,500 newspapers that have been published in the Mount Rushmore State – certainly not all of them are searchable online. But there are several that are indeed available. So go for it – find your South Dakota ancestors and all the interesting articles that capture the stories of their lives.
Please note that I have not always entered the dates that are included in the collections, as I suspect they will change as more items are digitized. Also, I suspect that some of these links may change over time – so if there is a dead link – please use your favorite search engine to find their new location.
(Recently added links are in BOLD)
South Dakota Historical Newspapers
Free Sites:
Statewide Collections:
Chronicling America – South Dakota
The Links for Chronicling America go to the new Version 2.0
- Brookings County Sentinel (Brookings, Dakota [S.D.]) 1882-1890
- Brookings Register (Brookings, S.D.) 1890-1894
- Brookings Weekly Register (Brookings, Brookings County, S.D.) 1898-1903
- Canton Daily Leader (Canton, South Dakota) 1896-1896
- Custer Chronicle (Custer City, Black Hills, D.T. [S.D.]) 1880-1890
- Custer Weekly Chronicle (Custer City, S.D.) 1890-1931
- Daily Press and Dakotaian (Yankton, Dakota Territory [S.D.]) 1875-1880
- Dakota Farmers’ Advocate (Canton, S.D.) 18??-1890
- Dakota Farmers’ Leader (Canton, S.D.) 1890-19??
- Deutscher Herold (Sioux Falls, Süd-Dakota) 1907-1918
- Dewey County Advocate (Timber Lake, S.D.) 1910-1913
- Die Eureka Post (Eureka, McPherson Co., Süd=dakota) 18??-19??
- Eureka Post (Eureka, McPherson Co., S.D.) 18??-19??
- Forest City Press (Forest City, Potter County, D.T. [S.D.]) 1883-19??
- Hand County Press (Miller, Dakota [S.D.]) 1882-1893
- Hot Springs Weekly Star (Hot Springs, S.D.) 1892-1917
- Kimball Enterprise (Kimball, Brule County, Dakota [S.D.]) 188?-1883
- Kingsbury County Independent (Desmet, Kingsbury County, S.D.) 1894-1929
- Lincoln County Advocate (Canton, Dakota Territory, [S.D.]) 1876-1877
- Nachrichten=herold (Sioux Falls, Süd-Dakota) 1901-1907
- Newell Reclamation News (Newell, Butte County, S.D.) 1910-19??
- Philip Weekly Review (Philip, Haakon County, S.D.) 1918-1920
- Philip Weekly Review (Philip, Stanley County, S.D.) 1907-1912
- Philip Weekly Review and Bad River News (Philip, Stanley County, S.D.) 1912-1918
- Pierre Weekly Free Press (Pierre, S.D.) 1889-19??
- Press and Daily Dakotaian (Yankton, Dakota Territory [S.D.]) 1880-1889
- Reporter and Farmer (Webster, Day County, Dakota [S.D.]) 188?-1946
- Saturday News (Watertown, S.D.) 19??-19??
- Semi-Weekly Register (Brookings, Brookings Co., S.D.) 1894-1898
- Sisseton Posten (Effington, Sud Dakota [S.D.]) 1902-19??
- Sturgis Advertiser (Sturgis, Dakota [S.D.]) 1887-1???
- Süd Dakota Nachrichten (Mitchell, Süd=dakota) 1890-1899
- Süd Dakota Nachrichten (Sioux Falls, Süd=dakota) 18??-1900
- Süd=dakota Nachrichten Und Herold (Sioux Falls, Süd=dakota) 1900-1901
- The Aberdeen Democrat (Aberdeen, South Dakota) 1???-1909
- The Advance (Milbank, Grant County, S.D.) 188?-1890
- The Bad River News (Philip, Stanley County, S.D.) 19??-1912
- The Black Hills Union (Rapid City, Pennington County, Dakota [S.D.]) 1889-1904
- The Black Hills Union and Western Stock Review (Rapid City, S.D.) 1904-19??
- The Bon Homme County Independent (Tabor, S.D.) 1904-1913
- The Brookings Register (Brookings, Brookings County, S.D.) 1903-1971
- The Canton Advocate (Canton, D.T. [S.D.]) 1877-1897
- The Charles Mix New Era (Wagner, Charles Mix County, S.D.) 1???-1911
- The Citizen-Republican (Scotland, Bon Homme County, S.D.) 1???-19??
- The Daily Courier (Elk Point, South Dakota) 1890-1890
- The Daily Dakota Farmers’ Leader (Canton, South Dakota) 1890-1890
- The Dakota Chief (Gann Valley, Buffalo County, S.D.) 18??-1913
- The Desmet Leader (Desmet, Kingsbury Co., Dakota [S.D.]) 1883-1891
- The Grant County Herald (Big Stone City, Grant County, Dakota [S.D.]) 1879-1883
- The Herald (Big Stone City, Dak. [S.D.]) 1883-1890
- The Herald-Advance (Milbank, S.D.) 1890-1922
- The Hot Springs Star (Hot Spings [Hot Springs], Dakota [Dakota Territory, i.e. S.D.]) 1886-189?
- The Kadoka Press (Kadoka, S.D.) 1908-1910
- The Kadoka Press (Kadoka, S.D.) 1923-Current
- The Kadoka Press and Kadoka Reporter (Kadoka, S.D.) 1910-1923
- The Kimball Graphic (Kimball, Brule County, Dakota [S.D.]) 1883-1905
- The Lemmon Herald (Lemmon, Perkins County, S.D.) 1912-1917
- The Madison Daily Leader (Madison, S.D.) 1890-Current
- The Mellette County Pioneer (Wood, Mellette County, S.D.) 19??-1971
- The Miller Press (Miller, S.D.) 190?-Current
- The Miller Sun (Miller, Hand County, S.D.) 190?-19??
- The Mitchell Capital (Mitchell, Dakota [S.D.]) 1879-1918
- The Mobridge News (Mobridge, Walworth Co., S.D.) 190?-1917
- The New Era-Leader (Wagner, Charles Mix County, S.D.) 1911-1912
- The Oglala Light ([Pine Ridge, S.D.]) 1899-19??
- The Pioneer (Philip, Haakon County, S.D.) 1???-19??
- The Pioneer Press (Miller, Hand County, S.D.) 1893-190?
- The Pioneer-Review (Philip, Haakon County, S.D.) 1920-Current
- The Sisseton Weekly Standard (Sisseton, Roberts County, S.D.) 1892-1929
- The Star (Aberdeen, S.D.) 1891-1898
- The State Democrat (Aberdeen, South Dakota) 1890-190?
- The State-Line Herald (North Lemmon, Adams County, N.D.) 1907-1912
- The Sully County Watchman (Clifton, Dakota [S.D.]) 1883-1894
- The Tabor Independent (Tabor, S.D.) 1913-19??
- The Wagner Leader (Wagner, Charles Mix County, S.D.) 1912-1912
- The Wagner Post (Wagner, Charles Mix County, S.D.) 1912-Current
- The Warner Sun (Warner, Brown Co., Dakota [S.D.]) 1885-1???
- The Warner Weekly Sun (Warner, Brown Co., Dakota [S.D.]) 1883-1885
- Turner County Herald (Hurley, Dakota [S.D.]) 1883-19??
- Union County Courier (Elk Point, Union County, D.T. [S.D.]) 187?-1913
- Wessington Springs Herald (Wessington Springs, Aurora County, Dakota [S.D.]) 1883-1891
- Yankton Daily Press and Dakotaian (Yankton, Dakota Territory [S.D.]) 1875-1875
Google News Archive
- Burke – The Burke Gazette
- Canistota – The Canistota Clipper
- Canova – The Canova Herald
- Freeman – Freeman South Dakota Courier
- Freeman – Freeman Courier
- Hartford – The Hartford
- Humboldt – The Humboldt Journal
- Humboldt – The Hartford Area News
- Isabel – Isabel Dakotan
- Marion – The Marion Record
- Menno – Hutchinson Herald
- Montrose – The Montrose Herald
- Parker – The New Era
- Wilmont – The Wilmot Enterprise
- Woonsocket – Woonsocket News
- Woonsocket – Sanborn Weekly Journal
South Dakota Newspaper Indexes
- Black Hills Daily Times
- Indian Country Today
- Rapid City Journal
- SDSU Collegian Index
- Sioux Falls Argus-Leader
County and Library Collections:
Clay County
- Semi-Weekly Register
- The Clay County Register
- The Dakota Republican
- The Dakota Republican and Vermillion Standard
- The Summer Session News
- The Vermillion Standard
- The Vermillionaire
- The Volante
- The Wagner Post
- Vermillion Plain Talk
- Wakonda Monitor
Grant County
- Almueven
- Almuevennen
- Big Stone Headlight
- Blue Blanket Leader
- Brown County Sentinel
- Carteronian
- Country Teacher
- Frontier Scout
- Grant County News
- Grant County Review
- Grant County Teacher
- Grant County Tribune
- Harris Graphic
- Lyman County Journal
- Marvin Monitor
- Milbank Herald Advance
- Milbank High School Yearbooks
- Pierre Daily Recorder
- Pukwana Press Reporter
- Sioux Falls Daily Press
- Sioux Valley News
- South Dakota Oil News
- South Shore Republican
- Spring Lake Star
- Summit Signal
- Syd Dakota Ekko
- The Advance
- The Aurora Times
- The Black Hills Pioneer
- The Brushie Blade
- The Country Teacher
- The Daily Hot Springs Star
- The Daily Revival Herald
- The Dakota Citizen
- The Dakota Gazette
- The Democrat
- The Egan Express
- The Elk Point Tribune
- The Farmer
- The Farmingdale Gimlet
- The Faulkton Herald
- The Fielder Times
- The Grant County Herald
- The Herald
- The Herald Advance
- The Inkpa Headlight
- The Milbank Herald Advance
- The Milbank Index
- The Millbank News Letter
- The Milwaukee Road News
- The New Era
- The Onida Watchman
- The Parker Press Leader
- The Pierre Daily Signal
- The Pierre Recorder
- The Pioneer
- The Rapid City Evening Herald
- The Record Republican
- The Sioux Falls Press
- The South Dakota Messenger
- The South Dakota Wheat Grower
- The Summit Independent
- The Valley Pioneer
- The Weekly Item
- The Wentworth Bond
- The Wentworth City Bond
- Vesterheimen
- Western Stock Growers Journal
Hutchinson County
- Dakota City Advance
- Parkston Advance
- The Parkston Courier
Lake County
- Lake County Leader
- Mitchell Daily Republican
- The Aberdeen Journal
- The Madison Daily Leader
- The Madison Daily Sentinel
Union County
- Beresford Republic
- Beresford News
- Beresford 100 Years
- Union County Republic
- Beresford Weekly News
- Beresford 75th Diamond Jubilee
- Republic Beresford
- Beresford Union County Republic
- Beresford High School Title
Yankton County
- Daily Dakota Herald
- Daily Press and Dakotaian
- Daily Press and Dakotan Gazette
- Dakota Weekly Union
- Semi Weekly Dakota Herald
- Semi Weekly Yankton Press and Dakotan
- The Dakota Herald
- The Dakotian
- The Press and Dakotaian
- The Union and Dakotaian
- The Volin Telegram
- The Weekly Dakotian
- The Yankton Daily Gazette
- The Yankton Press
- The Yankton Press and Union and Dakotaian
- The Yankton Press and Union and Dakotan
- The Yankton Weekly Gazette
- Yankton Daily Journal
- Yankton Daily Press and Dakotaian
- Yankton Press and Dakotan
- Yankton Press and Dakotan and Dakota Herald
- Yankton Press and Dakotan and The Yankton Daily Gazette
Deadwood Historical Newspapers Index
- Black Hill Daily Times
- Black Hills Champion
- Black Hills Daily Pioneer Times
- Black Hills Daily Pioneer
- Black Hills Herald
- Black Hills Pioneer
- Black Hills Pioneer-Times
- Black Hills Times Weekly
- Black Hills Weekly Pioneer
- Black Hills Weekly Times
- Lead Daily Pioneer-Times
Student Collections:
Augustana Academy – Canton
Augustana University – Sioux Falls
Black Hills State University – Spearfish
Dakota State University – Madison
Mount Maryy College – Yankton
Lead High School – Lead
Northern State University – Aberdeen
Presentation College – Aberdeen
Sinte Gleska University – Mission
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology – Rapid City
South Dakota State University – Brookings
University of Sioux Falls – Sioux Falls
University of South Dakota – Vermillion
Miscellaneous Collections and Indexes:
Independent Voices – Alternative Newspapers
- Lakota Times
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Newspapers 1933-1942
- Camp Crook – Little American (Company 2765)
- Chamberlain – American Island Chimes (Company 4726)
- Chamberlain – American Islander (Company 4725)
- Chamberlain – Crow Creek Chimes (Company 4726)
- Chamberlain – Islander (Company 4726)
- Columbia – Ducklin (Company 2749)
- Custer – Black Hills Echo (Company 762)
- Custer – Black Hills Echo (Company 762)
- Custer – Doran Echoes (Company 762)
- Custer – Doran Echoes (Company 762)
- Custer – Lightning Flashes (Company 791)
- Fruitdale – Orman Duster (Company 2750)
- Hill City – Camp Oreville News (Company 2760)
- Hill City – Camp Static (Company 793)
- Hill City – Hill City Tech Bulletin (Company 793)
- Hill City – Horse Sense (Company 2752)
- Hill City – Oreville News (Company 2760)
- Hill City – Spring Creek Comet (Company 2760)
- Hill City – Tigerville Tech Bulletin (Company 793)
- Hot Springs – Wind Jammer (Company 2754)
- Huron – Chanticleer (Company 4725)
- Huron – Vets Chanticleer (Company 4725)
- Martin – Lacreek Crier (Company 4723)
- Pierre – Island Newsdrops (Company 2756)
- Pierre – Peavie Press (Company 796)
- Presho – Teepee-Town Talk (Company 4726)
- Roubaix – Este Ripples (Company 789)
- Roubaix – Roubaix Echo (Company 792)
- Sturgis – Park Creek Crier (Company 2759)
- The Burke Gazette Burke, South Dakota
- The Canistota Clipper Canistota, South Dakota
- Freeman Courier Freeman, South Dakota
- The Hartford Area News Canistota, South Dakota
- Humboldt Journal Canistota, South Dakota
- Hutchinson Herald Menno, South Dakota
- Isabel Dakotan Isabel, South Dakota
- The Marion Record Canistota, South Dakota
- The Montrose Herald Canistota, South Dakota
- The New Era Parker, South Dakota
- Sanborn Weekly Journal Woonsocket, South Dakota
- The Wilmot Enterprise Wilmot, South Dakota
- Woonsocket News Woonsocket, South Dakota
- The Canova Herald Canova
Old Fulton Postcards
- Elk Point SD Dakota Gleaner
- Elk Point SD Leader Courier
- Elk Point SD Union County Courier
- Elk Point SD Union County Herald
- Sturgis SD Weekly Record
For Obituary Indexes, transcriptions, and other death/obituary information from historical newspapers, please check out the Obituaries page.
Other Free Sites:
Subscription or Pay Sites:
There are currently 28 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Ancestry – South Dakota Newspapers
Genealogy Bank:
There are currently 131 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Genealogy Bank – South Dakota Newspapers
Newspaper Archive:
There are currently 87 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspaper Archive – South Dakota
There are currently 131 publications available on this site. See all the titles at Newspapers.com – South Dakota.
And Finally:
You also need to visit the State Historical Society site from time to time, which can tell you what is occurring in the state with regard to online newspaper availability.
Please note – even more may be available via a local or state library where a library card is required. And of course, there is always microfilm for those that have not been made available online as yet.
For more links for different states, provinces, and countries – please see the Newspaper Links page on this website.
Good Luck and Happy Hunting!