Meanings for 40 Common Terms Found in Probate Records

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Just the word “Probate” causes people to freak out, primarily because it is a legal process, different in every state; it is combined with the loss of a loved one and requires cooperation between family members, many of whom do not wish to cooperate. But for genealogy purposes, they are incredibly valuable sources of terrific information about the deceased. They are often well-documented and provide a ton of details about the deceased’s life activities, relationships, relatives, friends, and acquaintances. They do have a language all their own.

Some of the most common terms and their meanings are presented below:

AdministratorA person who is authorized by the court to manage and settle the estate of a deceased person. In some states, this role is called a personal representative.
BeneficiaryA person or entity who is named in a will or trust to receive assets. In some situations, a beneficiary may be termed a legatee or devisee.
BondA form of insurance that protects the assets of the estate.
ClaimsClaims are the petitions, registers, accounts, or appeals filed with the court.
CodicilA document that amends, rather than replaces, a previously executed will.
ConservatorshipA legal proceeding in which a court places the interests of an incapacitated adult in the care and protection of another. In some states, this is called a guardianship.
Creditor claimA request filed with the court by a person or entity who believes they are owed money by the decedent.
Custodian of the WillThe person who has the Will when the person who wrote the Will dies.
DecedentThe deceased person whose estate is being settled.
Decedent’s estateAll the property (real or personal) that a person owned at the time of death.
DistributionThe division of estate funds among those who are entitled to inherit.
EncumbranceAny claim or restriction on a property’s title.
EscheatThe process by which assets revert to the government. This occurs when legal heirs have not been located or have not come forward.
EstateAll the money and property owned by a person at the time of death.
ExecutorA person or entity designated in a will and appointed by the court to manage and settle the estate of a deceased person. In some states, this role is called a personal representative.
FiduciaryA person or entity who holds assets for another.
Final accountA final report to the court that details the finances of an estate or trust.
Guardian Ad LitemA person the court appoints to protect the interests of another person in a specific court case. Latin for guardian at law.
HeirA relative determined by the court to be entitled to a share of an estate.
Heirship HearingA legal proceeding in which evidence is presented to determine the entitlement of heirs.
Heirship OrderA court decision that declares the entitled heirs and their respective shares in the estate. In some states, this is called a kinship order.
IntestateWhen a person dies without a valid will.
Intestate successionThe order of who inherits the property when someone dies without a Will.
InventoryAn itemized list of assets including cash and appraised property.
IssueThe process by which a person establishes that they are related to the decedent.
Kinship HearingThe process by which a person establishes that they are are related to the decedent.
LegateeA person or entity who is named in a will or trust to receive assets. In some situations, a legatee may be termed a devisee or beneficiary.
Letters of administrationA document issued by the court granting authority to handle the affairs of an intestate estate.
Letters testamentaryA document issued by the court granting authority to handle the affairs of a testate estate.
Next-of-kinA person’s closest living relative or relatives.
Personal EffectsThe decedent’s personal belongings that are not considered financial assets (i.e. clothing, photos, mementos, etc.).
Personal propertyThings like cash, stocks, jewelry, clothing, furniture, or cars.
Personal RepresentativeThe person responsible for overseeing the distribution of the estate.
PetitionA formal application made to a court in writing that requests action on a certain matter. To begin the probate process, a petition must be filed with the court.
ProbateThe legal process in which a deceased person’s estate is settled and distributed.
Probate ResearcherA specialized area of genealogy that deals with identifying and locating the heirs to an estate and proving their right to an inheritance. Probate researchers are sometimes referred to as forensic genealogists.
Public AdministratorA county official who is appointed to administer an estate.
Real propertyBuildings and land.
ShareThe portion of an estate that an heir will receive as determined by state succession law or a decedent’s will.
TestateWhen a person dies with a valid will.
TrustWhen one person (trustee) holds property at another person’s (settlor’s) request for the benefit of someone else (the beneficiary).
WillA legal document in which a person gives instructions for the distribution of his or her assets upon death.

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