History Hub – A Crowdsourced History and Genealogy Research Platform

The Ancestor Hunt regularly adds and updates new collection links, as well as searches for and fixes broken links.
(This page's most recent update is October 2024)

Have you checked out History Hub (https://historyhub.history.gov)  to visit their communities and ask questions that could help further your genealogy research? 

History Hub is sponsored by the National Archives and was developed in 2016 as a community crowdsourced support platform where people can ask questions, get help with research, and share their knowledge and information. National Archive staff respond to many of the questions with information about resources found at the National Archives and sometimes include information about other resources. Genealogists, citizen archivists, historians, etc. are also welcome to help answer questions. There are 19 community pages which are listed below. On the community pages, you will find an overview, existing questions, and answers, a place to ask your question, and links to relevant blog posts.


In addition to the communities, there are blog posts and a section for Citizen Archivists where you can ask and answer questions and learn about opportunities to transcribe and tag digitized items for the Library of Congress.

Citizen Archivists

Content (blog posts, polls, videos, discussions)

Download the Quicksheet PDF

To obtain the free Quicksheet pdf with details about History Hub, you can download it by clicking on the Download button below:

For all the previously published Quick Reference Guides, click on QuickSheets

Genealogy QuickSheets – Frequently Asked Questions

Quicksheets are also known as Quick Reference Guides. They are generally a one or two page PDF that is downloadable. A few QuickSheets are as large as a five page PDF.
Every QuickSheet is in a specific post on The Ancestor Hunt website. Just bring up the post, and at the bottom of the page is a big brown Download button that allows you to view and/or download the PDF when clicked.
Yes! You can view or download as many as you wish.

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